May 30

Tuesday:  Today was the last day of language arts.  We took a spelling test, watched the video of Miss Brill, and had the 8th grade send off.  The students were given their testimonies back that I’ve collected since 5th grade.  Hopefully they’ll be able to see spiritual growth over the last four years.  Good luck 8th graders and happy summer!

May 22-26

Monday:  We watched a short animated rendition of the short story “To Build a Fire” and answered discussion questions.

Homework: Discussion questions are due tomorrow if not finished in class as well as spelling homework.  Spelling test tomorrow

Tuesday:  We took a spelling test and worked on a 2 page short story.  Requirements: man vs nature, serious tone, 2 pages, and strong ending

Homework: 2 page man vs nature story due Thurs

May 15-19

Monday:  We read the short story “The Japanese Quince” as a class and analyzed the story through our 9 panel notes.  We shared student examples of creative endings to stories, and we will be working on writing a strong ending in our writing assignment for tomorrow.

Homework: Spelling test and spelling homework tomorrow

Tuesday:  We took a spelling test, wrote down strong ending ideas, and we started writing a creative short story.  The theme of the story is conformity vs individuality.  It needs to be two pages long.  I will give extra credit for writing more than that.

Homework: 2 page writing is due Thursday

May 8-12

Monday:  We went through a slideshow on the author W.W. Jacobs.  We made predictions on what the story might be about based on the author’s background and the title.  We also worked on vocabulary for the short story we’ll read tomorrow.

Homework:  The Monkey’s Paw Pre-Reading Worksheet due tomorrow if not finished in class

Tuesday:  We took a spelling test and read The Monkey’s Paw together.  We had a little time to discuss the story at the end.

Wednesday:  Students spent the class period working through a 9 panel analysis of the short story “The Monkey’s Paw.”  Also, students received new a new spelling list for the week and a spelling practice worksheet.  Spelling homework will be due next Tuesday and there will also be a spelling quiz that same day.

Homework:  Spelling practice worksheet due tomorrow.

*Also, if any students are planning on ordering a t-shirt for the end of the year program – orders are due tomorrow, Thursday May 11!!!  T shirts are $11 and Gina has order forms in the office.

Thursday:  During class we watched a play version of “The Monkey’s Paw” and filled out a worksheet which compared and contrasted the play versus the short story.  We also had some time to discuss our thoughts on the play versus the short story.  This worksheet is homework and due tomorrow if not completed in class.  7th and 8th graders enjoy your field trip tomorrow!!

May 1-5

Wednesday and Thursday:  This week the school has been busy taking Iowa Basics so the 7th and 8th graders have not had Language Arts so far this week.  Keep working hard, get plenty of rest and eat well!

April 24-28

Wednesday:  As a class we continued talking about the short story we have been working on this week, “The Lottery.”  We discussed symbolism and situational irony.  We also completed a worksheet as a class.

Note:  April in Minnesota brings snow showers!  Make sure your students are dressed for the weather.  Students need to have boots, snow pants, hats, mittens, etc.  The weather will be fluctuating quite a bit over the next few weeks.  Plan for anything!

Thursday:  Students worked through an apostrophe packet in class.  Students were also given an in-class writing assignment.  They were asked to write a new ending to “The Lottery” based on how they felt it should have ended.  Also, a new spelling list went home today.  Spelling homework due next Tuesday and quiz will be the same day.

April 17-21

Wednesday:  Students went over new spelling words.  Spelling homework will be due next Tuesday along with a quiz.  Students received a spelling practice worksheet that is due tomorrow.  As a class we continued to discuss the short story, A Visit of Charity and watched a short video of an interpretation of the story as well.

Thursday:  4 paragraph essay concerning theme in “A Visit of Charity” due tomorrow.  Also semicolons, commas and quotations packet due tomorrow as well.



April 10-13

Monday: This morning we did a pre-reading activity for a new short story, “The Open Window.”  We read the piece together and answered some questions about the story.

Homework: Spelling homework and spelling test tomorrow

Tuesday: Today we watched a video interpretation of “The Open Window.”  You can view that below.  We also went through a PowerPoint on characterization, looked at characterization through analyzing quotes from the text.  Finally, we took a spelling test.

Homework: Characterization worksheet is due tomorrow

Wednesday:  Today we received the new spelling list for the week.  Spelling homework and test will be next Tuesday.  Students had class time to work on a Historical Analysis chart and also a spelling worksheet.  Both will be due tomorrow if they were not finished in class.

Thursday:  During class today we talked about theme. Then the class completed a worksheet Theme Diagram regarding the short story “The Open Window.”  Students were also to write a  journal entry (200 words or more) from the viewpoint of Vera regarding the events in the story.  If not finished in class this assignment is due on Monday.  Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

April 3-7

Friday:  During language arts we worked on creating our own mad libs.  We practiced with a partner and then did a final mad lib to hand in.  Spelling homework is due next Tuesday.  Have a great weekend!

March 27-31

Monday: We did a comma worksheet and started a poster for our reader’s theater piece.

Spelling list for this week

Homework: Spelling Homework and spelling test tomorrow, comma worksheet due tomorrow

Tuesday: The 7th and 8th graders won the spelling challenge for this week!  We had an average score of 9.2 on our test!  The kids did a page on capitalization and then worked on posters.

Homework: Posters are due tomorrow

Wednesday:  Continued working on capitalization packets.  Students received new spelling lists and a worksheet today.  Students had time to work on the worksheet in class, if not finished and turned in, turn in tomorrow.  Spelling homework will be due next Tuesday along with a spelling test.  We also continued working on the reader’s theater piece.